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Entry and visa requirements for au pairing in China

Read below to learn more about the laws regarding getting a visa and entry to au pair in China.

Two people hold their passports out in front of a pretty view while traveling.

Visa and entry information for China

Entry requirements for all nationalities

Most agencies in China recommend the au pair program through the student visa route (X visa). Through this route, au pairs register at a local university and take Mandarin language courses for an allotted number of hours a week. Usually, this is about 10-15 classes a week of about 45 min each. This option allows for a deep cultural immersion and appreciation during their au pair program.


By being an au pair, they receive room and board with the family in exchange for their responsibilities, the most important of which is improving the English level of their host children. In general, China allows students from various nationalities to apply for student visas to pursue education in the country as long as they meet the program conditions. However, the specific visa requirements and processes may vary based on the applicant’s nationality and the diplomatic relations between China and the applicant’s home country.

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