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Looking for babysitting jobs?

Let's find you the perfect match
  • Work for a family in your neighborhood
  • Choose your own hours and days
  • Decide the amount of your hourly pay
Want to become a babysitter and look for babysitting jobs? Register now! Babysitter with a baby playing on the floor.
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Logo from PWC, a company that Nina.care has worked with

About Nina.care

contact with jasmijn or lyla kok founders of nina.care to find babysitting jobs
Our goal is to find the perfect match between families and their au pair or nanny.
We are Jasmijn & Lyla Kok, founders of Nina.care. Nice to meet you!

Thanks to our strict entry requirements and years of experience, our database is filled with reliable and loving nannies and au pairs. Our super-fast app arranges everything in no time! We also look after our caregivers. We offer amazing events, certified courses and an in-house academy, to really make them a part of our team.

What are you waiting for?
Join us & download the app!
Find babysitting jobs in these countries
get to know more information about au pairs and visit the netherlands groningen
The Netherlands
We have families in the Netherlands looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairs and au pair agencies and visit Germany
We have families in Germany looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairs and visit the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom
We have families in the United Kingdom looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairs and visit the United States as an au pair for families
The United States
We have families in the United States looking for a babysitter!
Learn about au pairs in France and visit the gorgeous eiffel tower in Paris
We have families in France looking for a babysitter!
Find an au pair job in Spain and visit these colorful villages like in the photo yourself
We have families in Spain looking for a babysitter!
Learn about au pairs in italy and see yourself sitting in this wonderful cafe in one of the small streets of italy
We have families in Italy looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairs and visit ghendt Belgium as an au pair for families
We have families in Belgium looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairing or our au pair program and visit the Denmark as an au pair
We have families in Denmark looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairing or our au pair program and visit Norway as an au pair
We have families in Norway looking for a babysitter!
get to know more information about au pairing or our au pair program and visit Sweden as an au pair
We have families in Sweden looking for a babysitter!

Read our blog about babysitting

Looking for babysitting jobs? Look no further! In this image you see four girls having fun with a cute toddler and a yellow cushion on the ground

Questions of other babysitters

What can I charge as an hourly rate as a babysitter?

You can decide on your hourly rate yourself. On average, that is between 6-12 euros per hour, but this depends on your age and experience. If you create your account, we will give you an indication on your hourly rate.

Does it cost money to babysit via Nina.care?

No, our app is free and everything you earn goes to you.

How old do I have to be to babysit with Nina.care?

You must be at least 16 years old to start working as a babysitter at Nina.care.

How do you do the babysitter screening?

We look at your profile, and ask each babysitter for at least 1 reference number and reference from a family where you have previously worked as a babysitter. Then we get in touch and get to know how they were with the kids!

More information about babysitting
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And find your ideal job
  • Work for a family in your neighborhood
  • Choose your own hours and days
  • Decide the amount of your hourly pay
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