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Games: 5 fun garden games in a row!

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Date: 24 August 2022
About the Author: This blog was published by Jasmijn in the team. She hopes to inform, surprise and delight you with our content!

Spring is coming and the sun is showing itself more and more. The perfect time to go outside with your host children. And it’s healthy too! With beautiful weather, the options are endless for fun in the sun. We have listed 5 games to play in the garden or in the nearest park. Read on and enjoy the outdoors!


This is pronounced kuup and is Swedish for wooden stick. You use the sticks to knock over the king and win the game. You play the game with 2 to a maximum of 12 people and you need the following supplies:

  • A wooden king
  • 10-cubs
  • 6 throwing sticks

Assemble 2 teams with the same number of players and line up 5 kubbs on each side. It is important that the “king” is in the middle. The object of the game is to knock down the other team’s king. Of course you use the throwing sticks for this.

Don’t have a kubb at home yet? Here you will find the whole set!

Jeu de boules

This game is fun for kids who are a little older. You don’t need a lot of space for this and you can play on different surfaces. You play this game with 2 to 6 people. Also in this game, there are 2 teams who try to beat each other by throwing the large ball as close as possible to the small ball. First, throw the small ball a few meters into the garden. This ball is the “center” of the game and the focal point where the big balls have to come close to. If your ball is closest, your team gets a point and for every ball that comes closer to light, that team gets a point.


On safari in your own backyard! All you need is a magnifying glass. Every “new animal species” that is discovered must be recorded in a self-made booklet so that you have a good overview of your discoveries later. So you go looking for critters in the backyard. You can even take pictures of the critters and stick them in your booklet. It is important that you carefully watch the animals and make sure that nothing happens to them ;).

children playing in a flower garden

Pop a balloon

You don’t need many attributes for this game either: the most important are the balloons, darts, and a plate/board on which you can pin the balloons. For example, pin the balloons to a soft board with a thumbtack. Then take the darts and take a few steps back. You can now start throwing! Make sure that the other children are standing behind the person who is throwing the darts. The person who bursts the most balloons wins!


Although this game is also fun for indoors, it might still be fun to play outside in the sun. Move from place to place without falling over. From position to position, you’ve got this! The designated spinner will let you know which hand should go to which foot. Make sure you don’t touch the mat with your knees or elbows because then you’re off course! Don’t have a twister at home yet? Order this quickly via this link.

Playing outside in the garden

As mentioned, it is healthy to go outside a lot and with spring on the horizon, this is very tasty! We have listed various games for you and your host child: from Kubb to Twister, there is something for everyone.

Don’t have a backyard or garden? Then a field or park nearby is of course also very good! Outside time is a great way to bond with your host children.