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Pricing in the Netherlands

How much does an au pair cost?

Most parents don’t know but au pairs are actually the most affordable childcare option. The costs for hosting an au pair start at approximately €500 per month for 30 hours of help per week. This includes the au pair’s pocket money, as well as other expenses such as meals and insurance. Additionally, there are costs associated with the matching process and potential visa fees.

Cost overview at Nina.care

Nina.care is the most affordable au pair agency in the Netherlands and the largest in Europe! (Check out how our fees compare to other agencies in the Netherlands here.)

At Nina.care, you can choose between two packages:

  • Self-Match: €1800 (excluding €405 visa costs for au pairs from outside the EU)
  • Full-Service: €2300 (excluding €405 visa costs for au pairs from outside the EU)

See here the breakdown of all the costs:

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What does it cost to host an au pair in the Netherlands?

One-off costs

Option Full service price (we send 3 profiles)
Option Self Match ( Find your own au pair)
or €1800
Visa/EU recruitment
Flight tickets
Minimum 50%

Monthly costs

Pocket money
Academy incl. First aid course childcare course
Travel expenses | optional
Telephone costs | optional
Rematch insurance | optional
€45 paid in one time
€385 - €510 per month
meisje van 4 met knotje werkt in de tuin met rieten mandje. witte Bloemen op de achtergrond.

Book a free advice call and learn all about the costs

What is the required income to host an au pair?

To host an au pair, a host family must meet certain income requirements:

For married/cohabiting couples:

  • Gross income without holiday allowance: €3287.70
  • Gross income with holiday allowance: €3550.71

For single parents:

  • Gross income without holiday allowance: €2630.12
  • Gross income with holiday allowance: €2840.87

These requirements ensure that families can financially support an au pair.

These amounts are valid from January 1, 2025, to June 1, 2025. You can find the most up-to-date figures on the IND website here.

Team nina.care wearing lila coats

Self match and full service prices

What do these packages include?

There are two ways to find an au pair:

  • Self-Match: You search for an au pair yourself (via Facebook groups or websites like AuPairWorld.com), and we take care of the paperwork, legal compliance, and regulations.
  • Full-Service: The easiest option! We find and screen an au pair for you and send you a carefully selected candidate. You can check out our au pair selection by making an account here.

Au pir carries child in tulip field in the netherlans
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FAQs about the Cost

Are there any hidden costs?

There is the agency fee, the monthly fee for the pocket money and academy and an optional insurance. On top of that, there are some countries that require a tuberculosis test of €80, and if your au pair is from the Philippines, there are costs of sending documents to the Filipino embassy. And of course you will be hosting another human in your house 🙂 So there will be some extra food and energy costs.

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What if I don't like my au apair do I get my money back?

With our special rematch insurance we can assure to help you with a new au pair if things don’t work out!

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Do I pay the same price for EU and non eu au pairs?

The visa cost is not applicable with EU au pairs but other than that the agency costs are the same. The flight ticket might be a bit more expensive if the au pair lives far away. For the Philippines it’s mandatory to have the au pair insurance.

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When do I pay?

You can make an account and plan a free advice call with us. You only pay if you really want us to start looking for you or start the interview of your au apair

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Au pair reading with host kids
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