As an entrepreneur and a mother, Daphne perfectly understands the challenges of juggling work and family life. She found a solution in an au pair from In this article, she discusses her journey, explaining why she chose to host an au pair despite societal prejudice. Discover how Daphne found the ideal au pair for her family, someone who is not only a model figure for her children but has turned into a beloved family member as well.
Why did entrepreneur and mother, Daphne, choose an au pair from
Balancing the demands of family life and a busy career is difficult and Daphne knows all too well. Given she had two sons within two years, it’s easy to imagine how hectic recent years have been for her! It quickly became apparent that she wanted and needed a helping hand, so this is why Daphne and her husband started looking for an au pair via
The benefits of an au pair are easy to sum up. First, it provides much-needed freedom – what parent couldn’t use more of that? Secondly, a familiar face for the children is of considerable value. With an au pair, her boys not only have a new friend but also a trusted figure they feel safe and comfortable with.
How do Daphne and her family maintain their privacy with an au pair in the house?
Vianay, their au pair, is a social butterfly. She spends a substantial amount of time with her friends over the weekends, which helps with keeping a healthy balance between Daphne’s family life and their private space. Vianay goes to parties, visits museums, goes on city trips, or hangs out with friends in the local area.
Inside the house, Vianay has her own personal space, with the bathroom being the only shared area. This has been a non-issue for everyone. Feedback from other host families suggests that privacy is hardly a concern when hosting an au pair. This is reassuring, particularly as the loss of privacy is usually a significant fear for prospective au pair parents!

How did Daphne find her ideal au pair? provides parents the opportunity to specify their preferences before starting the au pair search. Daphne had simple requests – someone who could speak English or Spanish and manage a bicycle. quickly presented three candidates, and Daphne and her husband were allowed to chat with them all. After some interactions with Vianay, it was clear she was the right fit for their family.
Is an au pair a luxury or a necessity?
Daphne explains that at first her friends and family held prejudices about it, but hosting an au pair has proven more cost-effective than a two-day childcare for her two offspring. When Daphne’s family and friends witnessed the way Vianay interacted and bonded with the kids, all their prejudices were replaced by acknowledgement of the kids’ happiness and satisfaction. Vianay has proven that she’s not just an au pair; she’s a valued family member.
Communication and house rules
Drawing up and establishing household rules are crucial to harmonious relations between the host family and the au pair. This is why Daphne detailed everything to Vianay at the start of their journey together. This clarity helped avoid misunderstandings and set the expectations. As Daphne puts it: “We set the rules right from the start, making subsequent months peaceful because we were all operating from the same understanding. Also, Vianay, being 24 and mature enough, is old and wise enough to manage her own personal life.”
What is the top advantage of a au pair?
Daphne singles out one unexpected perk: her two-year-old already speaking Spanish words, courtesy of Vianay. However, it is the wholesome relationship between the kids and Vianay that heartens them the most. Parenting is a complex and emotional journey, so it’s wonderful to have extra hands to handle daily care tasks. An au pair brings freedom, trust, and a familiar face for children. Daphne considers it a blessing that she can have some ‘me’ time, like taking unhurried walks in the woods with her dog while her children are asleep. Wonderful, isn’t it?
Want to explore the idea of hosting an au pair?
Do you qualify to host an au pair? Here are the requirements for hosting an au pair in the Netherlands.
Do you have questions or just want to discuss something? Schedule a 15-minute chat with our au pair team. We’re ready to answer any questions you might have!
Frequently asked questions
What is an au pair?
An au pair is (depending on the regulations per country) between 18-30 years old and comes from another country to partake in a rewarding cultural exchange programme. He/she comes and lives at your place and helps you take care of your kids and the household. First and foremost you need to see it as a cultural exchange and as a wonderful experience for your kids. Secondly, it’s a flexible and affordable way of daycare.
What are the rights that an au pair has?
Based on the thought of joining a cultural exchange, an au pair is generally entitled to free board and lodging in exchange for doing childcare and light housework. On top of this, they receive monthly pocket money, to enable them to get to know the culture and language of their host country. Every country has its own au pair regulations. You can find a detailed look at the regulations in your country here or a general help on au pair here.