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We are Jasmijn & Lyla Kok, founders of Nina.care. Nice to meet you!

Thanks to our strict entry requirements and years of experience, our database is filled with reliable and loving nannies and au pairs. Our super-fast app arranges everything in no time! We also look after our caregivers. We offer amazing events, certified courses, and an in-house academy, to really make them a part of our team.

Host Family Stories: Our Journey with Au Pair Emily through Nina.care

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Date: 7 February 2024
About the Author: Holland is the education and development specialist at Nina.care and loves making content for our au pairs to feel supported throughout their cultural exchange journeys. She studied cultural immersion education and was even an au pair herself, so she is very happy to share her knowledge and advice for aspiring young people who want to see the world!
Contact: hollandpage@nina.care

Hello from Munich! My name is Lisa Müller, and along with my husband Stefan, we are thrilled to share our experience as a host family in welcoming an au pair into our home through Nina.care. With two energetic youngsters, Sophie, aged 5, and Max, aged 3, our household is always bustling with activity. Here’s how our decision to invite Emily, our au pair, has transformed our family dynamic.

Discovering Au Pairing: Our Journey to Cultural Exchange

After struggling to find a balance between work, household responsibilities, and quality time with our children, my husband Stefan and I embarked on a quest to explore alternative childcare solutions. It was during this search that we stumbled upon the concept of au pairing. Intrigued by the idea of welcoming a young adult into our home to provide childcare and cultural exchange, we delved into research, seeking to understand the ins and outs of this unique arrangement.

As we learned more about the benefits of au pairing, including in-home assistance, language immersion for our children, and the opportunity for our family to forge connections with individuals from different backgrounds, we became increasingly convinced that becoming a host family was the right path for us. And so, with eager anticipation and hopeful hearts, we turned to Nina.care to help us find the perfect match for our family.

In-Home Help: Finding Balance in Bustling Munich

Navigating the vibrant streets of Munich while juggling work and parenting duties can be quite the challenge. That’s where Emily comes in. Her presence has been a game-changer, helping us manage responsibilities like household chores, preparing meals, and keeping our home organized. With Emily’s assistance, Stefan and I can focus more on our careers while still ensuring our children receive the care and attention they deserve.

Consistency for Children: Building Host Family Bonds

Sophie and Max have truly formed a special bond with Emily. Her consistent presence in our home has provided them with stability and reassurance, especially during times of change or uncertainty. Emily has become not just a caregiver but a trusted confidante and playmate for our children, enriching their lives with laughter, learning, and love.

Cultural Exchange: Embracing Diversity in Bavaria

Hailing from the United States, Emily brings a unique cultural perspective to our family. From sharing her favorite American recipes to teaching us about holidays like Thanksgiving, Emily has opened our eyes to new traditions and customs. Through our daily interactions, we’ve developed a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity, fostering a sense of curiosity and understanding that extends beyond borders.

Trustworthiness: Peace of Mind for Parents

As parents, nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of our children. That’s why choosing Nina.care to guide us a host family was a no-brainer. Their rigorous screening process and commitment to quality assurance gave us the confidence to entrust Emily with the care of Sophie and Max. Knowing that our children are in capable hands allows us to focus on our own tasks and responsibilities with peace of mind.

English Language Improvement: Sprachenlernen in Germany

Living with a native English speaker like Emily has provided our family with a fantastic opportunity to improve our language skills. Sophie and Max are like sponges, soaking up new vocabulary and phrases with enthusiasm. Even Stefan and I have noticed a significant improvement in our English proficiency, thanks to our daily conversations and interactions with Emily.

Benefits for the Au Pair: Empowering Emily’s Experience

While we as a host family have undoubtedly benefitted from Emily’s presence, it’s essential to acknowledge the positive impact this experience has had on her as well. Through her time with us in Munich, Emily has had the opportunity to immerse herself in German culture, learn a new language, and form meaningful connections with our family.

Beyond the practical benefits of room and board, Emily has gained valuable life skills, independence, and a deeper understanding of global perspectives. We’ve witnessed her confidence grow as she navigates life in a foreign country, and it’s incredibly rewarding to know that we’ve played a part in empowering her journey. We’re grateful for the cultural exchange and friendship that Emily brings to our home, and we cherish the mutual growth and learning that defines our au pair experience.

Pros of Using Nina.care: A Partner in Parenthood

Working with Nina.care has been an absolute pleasure from day one. Their team took the time to understand our family’s unique needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless match with Emily. From guiding us through the visa process to providing ongoing support and guidance, Nina.care has been a true partner in our host family journey, making the experience as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

A Heartfelt Danke Schön from Munich

Inviting Emily into our home through Nina.care has been a decision we’ll never regret. Her presence has brought joy, laughter, and love into our lives, enriching our family in ways we never imagined. We are immensely grateful for the support and assistance Emily provides, and we look forward to continuing our journey together as a happy, harmonious host family in Munich. Danke schön, Nina.care, for helping us find our au pair gem!

Want more information? Learn more about the au pair program in Germany. If you’re ready to start your host family journey, register with us today.

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